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  • Les frayères de lamproie marine Petromyzon marinus sont localisées dans le cadre de l'Observatoire Sélune. Cette espèce étant migratrice, sa colonisation de la Sélune et de ses affluents sera probablement influencée par l'effacement des barrages de la Sélune. Les frayères se caractérisent par une dépression accompagnée d’un dôme d’éjection sédimentaire immédiatement en aval. Les pierres retournées sur le dôme sont plus claires ce qui rend les nids facilement visibles et identifiables jusqu’à plusieurs semaines après le frai.

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    This data set contains the temperature values at the position of 557 Pardosa saltans spiders, measured each minute during 90 minutes in a laboratory thermal gradient. Additionnal information on sex, development stage and morphology is provided for each individual. For details see Cabon et al 2023 in Journal of Thermal Biology:

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    This is a data set on some morphological and physiological impacts of salinity on two isolated of Microcystis aeruginosa performed in laboratory experiments in the spring of 2022. Two non axenic isolated colonial Microcystis aeruginosa strains (PMC1323.21 and PMC1262.20) were used for the experiments. Both strains were provided by the Paris Museum Collection (PMC). For these experiments, colonies of both strains were grown in BG11 medium in Erlenmeyer flasks and kept in an exponentially growing phase. The batch cultures were stored in a growing chamber at 22 °C and under a light intensity of 40 μE/m2/s with a photoperiod of 14h/10h. For details see Bormans et al 2023 in MicrobiologyOpen This data set contains the following sheets: read_me cell_diameter_strain_1323.21 cell_diameter_strain_1262.20 volume_colonies_7d_strain_1262.20 volume_colonies_3d_strain_1262.20 autofluorescence 1323.21 autofluorescence 1262.20 intercellular spacing 1262.20

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    Sub-dataset dealing with occurence (presence/absence) of 26 vascular plant species surveyed in three hedgerow networks of the LTSER Zone Atelier Armorique (DEIMS.ID : Vegetation was sampled in 25 m long quadrats (one quadrat per margin) placed in the middle of the field margin or stream bank (N= 242) to avoid edge effects from connection with other field margins. Presence–absence of 26 vascular plant species of the herb layer vegetation was recorded. The 26 plant species were selected because they were common, readily identifiable and represent a large range of characteristics: in taxonomy, morphology and life history. Vegetation surveys were conducted in 1994, 1998, 2001, 2007, 2011, 2013 and 2015 exclusively between May 15 and August 15. Nomenclature of vascular plants is according to the Flora Europaea (Tutin et al., 1993).

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    Dataset dealing with exhaustive vascular plant surveys in field margins of three hedgerow networks of the LTSER Zone Atelier Armorique (DEIMS.ID : All vascular understory plants were sampled in 25 m long plot (one plot per field margin) placed in the middle of the field margin to avoid multiple edge effects from connection with other field margins. To incorporate local heterogeneity in field margin structure, all the width of field margins (N= 341) was sampled. Abundance-dominance of plants was scored using an ordinal scale according to Tansley (Tansley, 1935). The taxonomic standardization was based on Flora europaea (Tutin et al., 1993). Some taxa were identified only to genus as their identification at the seedling stage may show great discrepancy between observers. Field work was carried out from May to July for the two vegetation surveys (1994, 2015).

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    Dataset dealing with exhaustive vascular plant surveys (except in 2014) in the centre of 20 crop fields of the LTSER Zone Atelier Armorique (DEIMS.ID : All vascular understory plants were sampled in 10 50cm x 50 cm plots located along a transect placed in the middle of the crop field. Sampled plots are 5 m apart from each other. The taxonomic standardization was based on Flora europaea (Tutin et al., 1993). Some taxa were identified only to genus as their identification at the seedling stage may show great discrepancy between observers. Field work was carried out from May to July. Note that not all crop fields were surveyed in 2015.

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    The Ploemeur-Guidel observatory (Britanny, France) is focusing on surface-depth relationships in a fractured crystalline geological context and oceanic climate. It is built on 2 sub-sites, one highly anthropized, the other in natural state. In Ploemeur, groundwater has been pumped since 1991, supplying more than 1 million m3 of clean drinking water annual at a sustainable rate. Such high productivity is explained the specific fractured network in granite and micaschists, draining deep geological layers (~400 m). Extracted water quality is very good, with limited nitrate concentration, in a region that has been strongly affected by widespread pollution. Guidel site is in a similar, but natural context. Deep iron-rich groundwater is upflowing, creating surface and deep groundwater-dependent ecosystems, and feeding a classified coastal wetland. Both sites have a very dense equipment to study rapid to long-term surface-depth exchanges: a flux tower, unsaturated zone monitoring, a network of ~50 shallow (<10m) and deep boreholes (>80m), hydrochemical, temperature and deformation. An well-characterized fractured experimental site offers the possibility to conduct experiments to test innovative instruments and develop new methodologies