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Objectif : Estimer l’abondance relative de micromammifères et leur portage pour certains agents pathogènes transmis par les tiques dans la Zone Atelier Armorique dans le cadre du programme de recherche OSCAR (Outil de Simulation Cartographique à l’échelle du paysage Agricole du Risque acarologique – 2012-2015). Protocole : Pose de 34 pièges INRA sur vingt-quatre lignes de 100 mètres placéesdans différents types de paysage (forêt, lisière de forêt, bocage ouvert et dense le long de lisières de bois ou de haies) puis relevés à 24 et 48heures. Les animaux piégés ont subi une prise de sang puis ont été sacrifiés pour réaliser par la suite des analyses moléculaires sur différentsorganes (détection de Borreliaburgdoreferisl.,Anaplasmaphagocytophylum et Babesiamicroti). Article de référence : Michel, N., F. Burel, and A. Butet. 2006. How does landscape use influence small mammal diversity, abundance and biomass in hedgerow networks of farming landscapes? Acta Oecologica 30:11–20. 10.1016/j.actao.2005.12.006
This dataset provides georeferenced polygon vectors of individual tree canopy geometries for dryland areas in West African Sahara and Sahel that were derived using deep learning applied to 50 cm resolution satellite imagery. More than 1.8 billion non-forest trees (i.e., woody plants with a crown size over 3 m2) over about 1.3 million km2 were identified from panchromatic and pansharpened normalized difference vegetation index (NVDI) images at 0.5 m spatial resolution using an automatic tree detection framework based on supervised deep-learning techniques. Combined with existing and future fieldwork, these data lay the foundation for a comprehensive database that contains information on all individual trees outside of forests and could provide accurate estimates of woody carbon in arid and semi-arid areas throughout the Earth for the first time.
[résumé à traduire en anglais] Jeu de données (observations, prélèvements et analyses) sur les bois flottés, issus de la campagne de terrain de 2018 sur le site n°16, South Aulatsivik (HdCi_20). Les observations et les prélèvements (tranches/galettes de bois) sont organisés selon des quadrats [protocole à compléter si nécessaire]; la liste des points définissant ces quadrats se trouve dans le fichier 'Note_terrain_Nain_2018.xls'; ainsi que la liste des bois (échantillons) 'Récolte driftwood selon quadrats'. [localisations géographiques à revoir avec resp. projet]. Observations: volume, forme, état de conservation, photographies [à revoir avec resp. projet]. Prélèvements: a priori 111 échantillons 'bois' ('Driftwood'), plus quelques (3?) 'Old Driftwood' [à vérifier, carnet de terrain]; localisés au Canada. Analyses prévues: identification taxonomique, dendrochronologie, géochimie, C14 (pour les 'VDR'), [...]. [Mots-clés à compléter] Etendue_geo : (du site 16) 56°38'24.09"N;61°23'3.21"W; 56°36'2.95"N;61°22'56.89"W; 56°36'2.69"N;61°27'28.85"W; 56°38'29.91"N;61°22'40.60"W Liens et documents associés [à compléter] : liste des échantillons, des quadrats, description du protocole dans publis, liste des photos, couche carto [à compléter : revoir avec resp.projet] Keywords: Arctic, Subarctic, Greenland, Nunavik, Labrador-Nunatsiavut, Canada, Norse, Farming, Intercation Human-environment, Thule, Inuit, Natural-archives, Archaeological settlements, Archaeological-artefacts, Raw-materials, Climate, Environment, Landscape, Ecosytems, Biodiversity, Global-changes, Social-changes, Flora, Fauna, Soils, PalenvDNA, Perception, Memory, Heritage, Holocene, Last-Millenium
[résumé à traduire en anglais] Jeu de données (observations, prélèvements et analyses) sur les bois flottés, issus de la campagne de terrain de 2018 sur le site n°16, South Aulatsivik (HdCi_20). Les observations et les prélèvements (tranches/galettes de bois) sont organisés selon des quadrats [protocole à compléter si nécessaire]; la liste des points définissant ces quadrats se trouve dans le fichier 'Note_terrain_Nain_2018.xls'; ainsi que la liste des bois (échantillons) 'Récolte driftwood selon quadrats'. [localisations géographiques à revoir avec resp. projet]. Observations: volume, forme, état de conservation, photographies [à revoir avec resp. projet]. Prélèvements: a priori 111 échantillons 'bois' ('Driftwood'), plus quelques (3?) 'Old Driftwood' [à vérifier, carnet de terrain]; localisés au Canada. Analyses prévues: identification taxonomique, dendrochronologie, géochimie, C14 (pour les 'VDR'), [...]. [Mots-clés à compléter] Etendue_geo : (du site 16) 56°38'24.09"N;61°23'3.21"W; 56°36'2.95"N;61°22'56.89"W; 56°36'2.69"N;61°27'28.85"W; 56°38'29.91"N;61°22'40.60"W Liens et documents associés [à compléter] : liste des échantillons, des quadrats, description du protocole dans publis, liste des photos, couche carto [à compléter : revoir avec resp.projet] Keywords: Arctic, Subarctic, Greenland, Nunavik, Labrador-Nunatsiavut, Canada, Norse, Farming, Intercation Human-environment, Thule, Inuit, Natural-archives, Archaeological settlements, Archaeological-artefacts, Raw-materials, Climate, Environment, Landscape, Ecosytems, Biodiversity, Global-changes, Social-changes, Flora, Fauna, Soils, PalenvDNA, Perception, Memory, Heritage, Holocene, Last-Millenium
Groundwater comprises approximately 30 percent of the Earth’s total freshwater, serving as a vital resource for both humans and ecosystems. As an essential source of drinking water for humans and sustenance for vegetation, groundwater plays a key role in the terrestrial water cycle. It acts as a buffer, enabling adaptation to climate variability and extreme events like floods and droughts. Therefore, understanding groundwater storage is important for both ecological and15 societal reasons.
Title: InterActic : A millennium of interaction between societies and environments in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions (Canada and Greenland) Abstract The InterArctic project focuses on vulnerability, resilience and adaptation of northern societies facing global change. The rapid current warming of Arctic and Subarctic climates has already produced many changes in the social, economic and cultural behavior of the populations inhabiting these regions and more changes are expected to come. Few of the changes are considered to be positive or not disturbing the fragile balance between human and the environment. Populations of these areas have to face these challenges, and in this context, looking at the past provides the opportunity to document the complex relationships between climate, ecology and human societies, which may provide deeper understanding into ways of better facing the future. The chronological frame of the project encompasses the last millennium, a well-documented period by both ice core data and historical archives. The study area includes Eastern Canada (Nunavik, Nunavut and Nunatsiavut) and Greenland (South and North). Around 1000 years cal. AD, some of these areas witnessed the meeting between European farmers coming from Scandinavia, and hunters-fishers arriving from Beringia. Today, these two lifestyles are still coexisting, with farming in South Greenland, and hunters/gatherers/fishers in Nunavik, Nunavut, Labrador coast and Greenland. Within these study areas, our aim is to document 1000 years of interactions between Thule/Inuit people, Norse settlers and their environment, through an interdisciplinary approach exploiting different kinds of natural archives. The use of pedo-sedimentary archives (lakes, peat deposits, cryosols, anthrosols) and palaeoenvironmental multiproxy analyses will highlight landscape evolution, climatic and anthropogenic forcings upon ecological processes. Archaeological sites, and more specifically archaeological soils, ecofacts and artefacts, will give precious information about the nature of these interactions. The complementary anthropological/cultural approach will focus on human memory, perception, practices and prospects of environmental and social changes, archaeological heritage and past settlement location choices, of six communities in Greenland and Canada. These issues will be explored in an interdisciplinary work through open interviews and co-design workshops bringing Inuit elders and youth together with project researchers. Coproduced knowledge (blending traditional and scientific), including Inuit visual documentation of the community changes and the writing of science fiction narratives, as well as cognitive maps (Inuit internal representation), will then be shared through innovative educational projects such as an interactive web platform designed to share project results, involving local partners in Greenland and Canada as well as French secondary schools and universities. Keywords: Arctic, Subarctic, Greenland, Nunavik, Labrador-Nunatsiavut, Canada, Norse, Farming, Interaction Human-environment, Thule, Inuit, Natural-archives, Archaeological settlements, Archaeological-artefacts, Raw-materials, Climate, Environment, Landscape, Ecosytems, Biodiversity, Global-changes, Social-changes, Flora, Fauna, Soils, PalenvDNA, Perception, Memory, Heritage, Holocene, Last-Millenium
As part of the Sélune observatory, pilot stations have been set up along the main course of the Sélune, distributed from upstream to downstream of the hydroelectric dams. Three stations are located in the former reservoirs of the dams, while the other two, known as the reference stations, are outside the area of influence of the former dams (one downstream and the other upstream). At these stations, aquatic biocenoses (including benthic macroinvertebrates, biofilms, macrophytes, etc.) are monitored. At each of these stations, benthic macroinvertebrates (bmi) have been sampled regularly, in spring and autumn, since September 2014 and in accordance with standard NF T 90-333. The fauna inventories obtained after determination can thus be used to calculate biotic indices such as the IBG-DCE and the I2M2. In addition, samples were taken using artificial substrates immersed for 1 month, in order to focus on measuring the ‘dam effect’. The protocol is described in: Piscart C., Moreteau, J.C., Beisel J.N. (2006). Monitoring changes in freshwater macroinvertebrate communities along a salinity gradient using artificial substrates. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 116: 529-542. This layer gives the results obtained for the IBG-DCE and I2M2 biotic indices with the associated parameters (diversity, variety, etc.), as well as the number of samples taken (‘effort’ column). Finally, the layer contains the output from the ‘ODInvertebres’ diagnostic tool for benthic invertebrates, which aims to identify the most likely anthropogenic pressures causing changes in ecological quality (6 probability values for physico-chemical water quality and 6 others relating to hydromorphology or land use in the catchment area). Reference on ‘ODInvertebres’ : Mondy, C. P., & Usseglio-Polatera P. Using conditional tree forests and life history traits to assess specific risks of stream degradation under multiple pressure scenario. Science of the Total Environment 461 (2013): 750-760. The genus Baetis cited in the fauna lists refers to the genus ‘Baetis lato sensu’ according to the SANDRE nomenclature (Sandre code: 9794). Taxa presenting all of the clearly visible and characteristic morphological criteria enabling them to be accurately identified and in an irreproachable state of conservation are included in the Observatoire Sélune's reference collection. This can be consulted on request (see point of contact).
This metadata describes the field session data collected on the site of Nain, Labrador in Canada, between 2018 and 2021 for the project InterArctic-Enchainec. Keywords: Arctic, Subarctic, Greenland, Nunavik, Labrador-Nunatsiavut, Canada, Norse, Farming, Intercation Human-environment, Thule, Inuit, Natural-archives, Archaeological settlements, Archaeological-artefacts, Raw-materials, Climate, Environment, Landscape, Ecosytems, Biodiversity, Global-changes, Social-changes, Flora, Fauna, Soils, PalenvDNA, Perception, Memory, Heritage, Holocene, Last-Millenium
[résumé à traduire en anglais] Jeu de données (observations, prélèvements et analyses) sur les bois flottés, issus de la campagne de terrain de 2019 sur le site n°16, South Aulatsivik (HdCi_20). En 2019 (contrairement à 2018), chaque prélèvement a fait l'objet d'un point GPS; la méthode des quadrats n'a pas été utilisée en 2019 pour la localisation des driftwood. Observations: volume, forme, état de conservation, photographies [liste des photos, à voir avec Y.Rantier]. Prélèvements: La numérotation des prélèvements de 2019 sont numérotés de 200 à 255. L’échantillonnage de 2019 est un complément de celui de 2018 (pas réplicat). La localisation est distincte. Le N° 20 avait été oublié en 2018. Analyses prévues: identification taxonomique, dendrochronologie, géochimie, C14 (pour les 'VDR'), [...]. [Mots-clés à compléter] Etendue_geo : (du site 16) 56°38'24.09"N;61°23'3.21"W; 56°36'2.95"N;61°22'56.89"W; 56°36'2.69"N;61°27'28.85"W; 56°38'29.91"N;61°22'40.60"W Liens et documents associés [à compléter] : liste des échantillons, des quadrats, description du protocole dans publis, liste des photos, couche carto [à compléter : infos tech SIG, Y.Rantier] Keywords: Arctic, Subarctic, Greenland, Nunavik, Labrador-Nunatsiavut, Canada, Norse, Farming, Intercation Human-environment, Thule, Inuit, Natural-archives, Archaeological settlements, Archaeological-artefacts, Raw-materials, Climate, Environment, Landscape, Ecosytems, Biodiversity, Global-changes, Social-changes, Flora, Fauna, Soils, PalenvDNA, Perception, Memory, Heritage, Holocene, Last-Millenium
synthèse au 1/250 000 de la carte géologique du Massif armoricain