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  • Parcelles cultivées résultant de la compilation des Référentiels Parcellaires Graphiques (RPG) de 2017 et 2019. La table attributaire contient un lien vers la série temporelle de l'humidité de surfacede la parcelle depuis 2017.

  • Données météorologiques Agri4cast basées sur des observations et spatialisées sous la forme d'une grille composée de mailles carrées de 625 km² (25 km ×25 km) sur la France. La table attributaire de cette couche permet d'établir le lien entre l'objet géographique (la maille) et les chroniques d'observation météorologiques via un service conforme au standard OGC SensorThings ( Les observations sont : - température maximale de l'air (°C), - température minimale de l'air (°C), - température moyenne de l'air (°C), - vitesse moyenne quotidienne du vent à 10 m (m/s), - pression atmosphérique (hPa), - précipitations cumulées (mm/jour), - évapotranspiration potentielle d'un couvert végétal (mm/jour), - rayonnement global total (KJ/m2/jour). Les données météorologiques sont quotidiennes de 1979 à la dernière année civile révolue. Plus d’informations sur le portal Agri4cast :

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    This data set contains the temperature values at the position of 557 Pardosa saltans spiders, measured each minute during 90 minutes in a laboratory thermal gradient. Additionnal information on sex, development stage and morphology is provided for each individual. For details see Cabon et al 2023 in Journal of Thermal Biology:

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    The Ploemeur-Guidel observatory (Britanny, France) is focusing on surface-depth relationships in a fractured crystalline geological context and oceanic climate. It is built on 2 sub-sites, one highly anthropized, the other in natural state. In Ploemeur, groundwater has been pumped since 1991, supplying more than 1 million m3 of clean drinking water annual at a sustainable rate. Such high productivity is explained the specific fractured network in granite and micaschists, draining deep geological layers (~400 m). Extracted water quality is very good, with limited nitrate concentration, in a region that has been strongly affected by widespread pollution. Guidel site is in a similar, but natural context. Deep iron-rich groundwater is upflowing, creating surface and deep groundwater-dependent ecosystems, and feeding a classified coastal wetland. Both sites have a very dense equipment to study rapid to long-term surface-depth exchanges: a flux tower, unsaturated zone monitoring, a network of ~50 shallow (<10m) and deep boreholes (>80m), hydrochemical, temperature and deformation. An well-characterized fractured experimental site offers the possibility to conduct experiments to test innovative instruments and develop new methodologies

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    The dataset includes BLUM and long base tiltmeter data.

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    The dataset includes BLUM and long base tiltmeter data.

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    Groundwater comprises approximately 30 percent of the Earth’s total freshwater, serving as a vital resource for both humans and ecosystems. As an essential source of drinking water for humans and sustenance for vegetation, groundwater plays a key role in the terrestrial water cycle. It acts as a buffer, enabling adaptation to climate variability and extreme events like floods and droughts. Therefore, understanding groundwater storage is important for both ecological and15 societal reasons.

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    The vadose zone is the main host of surface and subsurface water exchange and has important implications for ecosystems functioning,climate sciences,geotechnical engineering,and water availability issues. Geophysics provides a means for investigating the subsurface in a non-invasive way and at larger spatial scales than conventional hydrological sensors. Time-lapse hydrogeophysical applications are especially useful for monitoring flow and water content dynamics. Largely dominated by electrical and electromagnetic methods,such applications increasingly rely on seismic methods as a complementary approach to describe the structure and behavior of the vadose zone. To further explore the applicability of active seismics to retrieve quantitative information about dynamic processes in near-surface time-lapse settings,we designed a controlled water infiltration experiment at the Ploemeur Hydrological Observatory (France) during which successive periods of infiltration were followed by surface-based seismic and electrical resistivity acquisitions. Water content was monitored throughout the experiment by means of sensors at different depths to relate the derived seismic and electrical properties to water saturation changes. We observe comparable trends in the electrical and seismic responses during the experiment,highlighting the utility of the seismic method to monitor hydrological processes and unsaturated flow. Moreover,petrophysical relationships seem promising in providing quantitative results.

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    This borehole hydrogeophysical logging data include optical imaging,acoustic logging,induction and electrical resistivity,natural and spectral gamma radioactivity,fiber optic measurements an d multiparameter probe logs.

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    This dataset includes vadose zone data (temperature,water content and suction) and flux tower data (air pressure,air specific humidity,air temperature,co2 flux,evapotranspiration,h2o flux,latent heat flux,wind direction,wind speed).